Meet Principler

The Principle Quotient 

Turn what really matters into a pattern of action to improve the quality of your personal and professional life and beyond. You can do this in simple and repeatable ways as you recognize and apply lasting principles to any situation you face. 

At the heart of this approach we are excited to introduce to you is what we call the Principle Quotient™ (PQ). It is a framework that allows you to assess your progress toward solving a problem or bringing change to some aspect of your life by how effectively you apply certain principles to it.  

You may have often heard or said something like “Cowboy up!”, “Soldier on!”, or “Send it!” These sayings inspire us to reach higher, try harder, or hold on longer. Our addition to these motivating phrases is “Principle your way through,” which means you can better govern yourself through practical application of timeless principles to the many sides of your life. 

The Iron Triangle 

You live your life in the real world. That means you face unrelenting challenges and opportunities. Meeting these begins with an optimal mindset. At Principler, we believe this has three parts: mental strength, emotional resilience, and spiritual well-being. These components depend on and interact with one another.  

As an example, In the domain of project management, which we call “getting stuff done in an efficient and organized way,” there is a powerful, simple tool called the Iron Triangle. Each of the constraints of ScopeTime, and Cost is a side of the triangle, with Quality at the center.  

The model shows that the outcome of a project is always driven by how these three are balanced against one another. When one of these changes—scope, time, or cost— it directly affects the other two sides of the triangle, as well as the quality of the result. 

Project Management Iron Triangle



In a similar way, Principler’s framework of mental strength, emotional resilience, and spiritual well-being forms its own Iron Triangle with Optimal Mindset at the center.

Principler Framework


Each side affects the other two. For example, when your mental strength is weak, it affects your emotional resilience and spiritual well-being. You will see the same effect on the remaining sides when emotional resilience or spiritual well-being is lacking. 

To help you achieve optimal mindset for personal and professional success, Principler formulates principles from the worlds of business, science, the arts, faith, technology, history, and others. When applied in everyday life, these principles help you balance and optimize mental strength, emotional resilience, and spiritual well-being. In this way you can overcome the negative personal and cultural conditioning in your life to more successfully solve your problems.

Time-Tested and Proven Guides

With Principler you can draw from the wisdom of the ages in the various contexts and dimensions of your life to apply principles discovered and refined over the centuries. These are tried, tested, and proven guides to help you overcome the self-imposed limitations we all put into place. 

Until now, no individual or organization has ever undertaken a comprehensive compiling, mapping, or delivering of this vast number of principles—with easy-to-use, supporting resources—into a single framework for simple, practical application in your daily life. 

Our mission is to offer an effective way to learn, apply, and master enduring principles to help you build an optimal mindset. With Principler on your side, you will be better equipped to make better decisions.

Principles and Patterns are the Key

People are often overwhelmed with life’s challenges and are grasping at solutions that are often inadequate and ineffective. Sadly, most do not realize how much power they have within themselves to bring change, find more inner peace, and experience greater joy simply by forging an optimal mindset through acquiring and applying specific principles in their lives. 

Every skill has a pattern, and patterns are the key. Principles—their presence or absence—drive the quality of the pattern, which in turn determines your proficiency with a given skill. By nature, a principle contains power, knowledge, truth, light, and logic, which can be harnessed as a potent force-multiplier manifested in the performance of the skill.

As more principles are understood and properly applied, high-quality patterns can be formed, leading to natural application of those same attributes in overall skill development. Experts refer to this as “peak performance,” but in essence it is a glimpse of perfection in a specific area of your life.

Principles are the key to putting perfection within reach and more prevalent in all dimensions of your life. And they are truly the only way for you to effectively counter and overcome the limiting, self-destructive mindset so many of us unnecessarily endure. 

The First Step: Raising Your PQ

Many people shrink from challenges due to their own self-limiting beliefs and cognitive distortions. They miss out on the chance to develop mental strength, emotional resilience, and spiritual well-being because they think something is too hard. Worse yet, they may not be aware that they are merely thinking and doing what they learned from their upbringing. They haven’t been afforded the opportunity to learn principles and use that to refine and hone their thinking. W. Edwards Deming explains their dilemma with his astute observation that "a bad system will beat a good person every time."

The need for wisdom in your own life is now greater than ever, yet tools for developing that wisdom seem less and less available. No skill is more valuable and harder to come by than the ability to critically think through difficult problems, decisions, and situations. If you can think through things more efficiently, you’ll have fewer problems and more free time. Otherwise, you’re going to spend a lot of time fixing mistakes as your list of regrets grows. As legendary coach John Wooden noted “If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”  

Good decisions and well-solved problems make your future easier, while bad or poor ones make it unnecessarily harder and more painful. As you take the first step by raising your PQ, you are well on your way to making better sense of things, reaching quality decisions more quickly, and efficiently solving your problems. You will improve your overall performance and be much more capable of embracing a life that offers both pain and pleasure to each of us. 









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